A closer look at Base64 image performance

This post takes a closer look at Base64 image performance, offers some use cases and raises some questions. I’ve had a number of conversations recently over the benefits of using client-side, Base64 image strings to improve web app performance over making multiple <img> requests. So I ran a few tests of my own, and the results are shown at the bottom of the post.

If you aren’t familiar with them, a Base64 image is a picture file, such as a PNG, whose binary content has been translated into an ASCII String. And, once you have that string then copy-and-paste into your JavaScript code. Here’s an example of what that looks like:

<body onload="onload()">
	<img id="test"/>
	<script type="text/javascript">
		var html5BadgeBase64 = "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAEAAAABACAYAAACqaXH…";
		function onload(){
			var image = document.getElementById("test");
			image.src = "data:image/png;base64," + html5BadgeBase64;

There are other ways of doing this that I’m not covering in this post such as using server-side code to convert images on the fly, passing Base64 strings in URLs, etc.

The most commonly cited advantage is that including a Base64 string in your JavaScript code will save you one round-trip HTTP request. There is absolutely no argument on this subject. The real questions in my mind are: what are the optimal number and size for Base64 images? And, is there a way to quantify how much if any they help with performance?

Size? Base64 image strings will always be larger than their native counterparts. Take the following example using a copy of the relatively small HTML5 logo and a decent sized screenshot. As you can see the text equivalent is 33% and 31% greater, respectively.

Html5.png  = 1.27KB (64×64 pixels)
Html5base64.txt = 1.69KB (1738 characters)
% Difference =  +33%

Screenshot.png = 19KB (503×386 pixels 24bit)
ScreenshotBase64.txt = 24.9KB (25584 characters)
% Difference = +31%

In comparison, when working with <img> tags you’ll be working with an ID that points to the actual image file stored in memory.

Convenience? As you can see, the length of your base64 strings can get quite long. The simple HTML5 logo in the previous example becomes a 1738 character long string and that’s only 1.69KBs worth of image.

Can you imagine having a dozen of images similar in size to the 19KB Screenshot example? That would create over 300,000 ASCII characters. Let’s put that into the perspective of a Word document. Using 1” margins all the way around, this would create a document approximately seven and a quarter pages long!

I assert that Base64 is best for static images, ones that don’t change much at all over time. The bigger the image the more time consuming it can become convert it, copy-and-paste it into your code and then test it. Any time you make a change to the image you’ll have to repeat the same steps. If you accidentally inject a typo into a Base64 string you have to reconvert the image. That’s simply the best approach from a productivity perspective.

In comparison when using a regular old PNG file, you create the new version, copy it out on the web server, flush your browser cache, run a quick test with no need to change any code and bang you’re ready to go have a cup of coffee.

Caching? It depends on your header caching settings, browser settings and web server settings. I’ll just say that typically base64 images will be cached either in your main HTML file or in a separate JavaScript library.

Bandwidth? Using base64 images will increase the amount of bandwidth used by your website. Compare the size of your HTML file with Base64 images to the size of the same file simply using <img> tags. You can do some basic math if you add up the size of a particular page and multiple it by the number of visits. Better to err on the side of caution, because there really isn’t a good way to tell which images and JavaScript files are getting catched in your visitors browsers and for how often. Here’s an example where you have a 30GB bandwidth limit per month, and simply converted all of your PNG images to Base64 could very easily push you over the limit:

100,000 page hits/ month (main.html) x 256KB = 25.6 GB (incls. 75KB of standard PNG images)

100,000 page hits/month (main.html) x 293.5KB =  29.4 GB (incls. 97.5KB Base64 images)

Also, some providers give you decent tools that you can use to experiment with Base64 images versus regular images and test that against your bandwidth consumption.

Latency? This variable doesn’t really apply directly to Base64 images. There are many factors that determine latency that I’m not going to discuss here. There are some more advanced networking tools that let you figure out average latency on your own web servers. Every request will be unique based on network speed, the number of hops between the client and the web server, how the HTTP request was routed over the internet, TCP traffic over the various hops, load on the web server, etc.

A few quick performance tests.

What would a Base64 blog post be without a few tests? I devised four simple tests. One in which I referenced a JavaScript file containing Base64 images. One which contained five <img> tags and then I re-ran the tests again to view the cached performance.

These tests were performed on a Chrome Browser over a CenturyLink DSL with a download speed of 9.23MB/sec and an upload speed of 0.68MB/sec. Several tracert(s) of TCP requests from my machine to the web server showed more than 30 hops with no significant delays or reroutes. The web server is a hosted machine.

Test 1 – JavaScript file with Base64 images.This test consists of an uncached basic HTML file that references a 125KB JavaScript library containing five base64 images.

Time to load 1.9KB HTML file: 455ms

Time to load 125KB JavaScript file: 1.14s

Total load time: 1.64s

Test 2 – Cached JavaScript file with Base64 images. This test consists of reloading Test 1 in the browser

Time to load cached HTML file: 293ms

Time to load cached JavaScript file: 132ms

Total load time: 460ms

Test 3 – using <img> tags to request PNG images. This test consists of an uncached HTML file that contains five <img> tags pointing to five remotely hosted 20KB PNG files.

Time to load 1KB HTML file: 304ms:

Time to load five images: 776 ms

Total load time: 1.08s

Test 4 – cached html file using <img> tags to request PNG images. This consists of reloading Test 3 in the browser

Time to load cached HTML file: 281ms

Time to load five cached images: 16ms

Total load time: 297ms


It’s not 100.0000% true that multiple HTTP requests results in slower application performance in comparison to embedding Base64 images. In fact, I’ve seen anecdotal evidence of this before on production apps, so it was fun to do a some quick testing even if my tests were not completely conclusive beyond a doubt.

My goal was to spark conversation and brainstorm on ideas. I know some of you will say that thousands of tests need to be run an statistically analyzed. My argument is that these tests represented actual results that I could see with my own eyes rather than being lumped into some average or medium statistic.

Note that I’m just posting a snapshot of the tests I ran. I didn’t have enough time to draw up a significant battery of tests to cover as many contingencies as possible. However, the test numbers I’ve posted were fairly consistent in the favor of the multiple PNG requests loading faster than a single .js file containing five Base64 images. Obviously more significant testing is needed to sort out other real-world variables, such as image file sizes versus application size and under a variety of conditions and different browsers.


JavaScript library with five Base64 images

HTML file that reference JavaScript library of five Base64 images

HTML file with five <img> tags

[Edited 2/26/13: fixed a few typos]

Tips for Clearing the Browser Cache: IE, Chrome and Firefox

When doing web development, especially JavaScript/HTML, it’s sometimes hard to tell if your changes loaded when you refreshed the web page, in fact sometimes your changes aren’t reflected. The best thing to do is delete the cache and then reload the page. So, this post will tell you how to that for the three most used browsers – Firefox, IE and Chrome.

Before I tell you how to do it, it’s good to know what the cache does and why. It’s basically a file directory where your browser stores temporary files such as web pages (e.g html files), images (e.g. png’s) and other web-related items including sound files ( e.g. mp3’s). The idea behind storing these files is the user’s experience: it’s faster to retrieve a local file than it is to retrieve it from some remote web site and the page appears to load faster to the user. Another reason is reduces server load for high usage sites because many of the files are loaded locally for repeat visitors. But, even though you may care about this your end users certainly don’t.

Chrome 16.x (Windows)

Go to the top right of the browser and click on the wrench symbol, then Tools > Clear Browsing data. Chrome will then load the Options page and let you choose by timeframe how far back to go when deleting data. When you are doing frequent web development the “past hour” option is awesome. That way you can delete your most recent work and all your other cookies and data will stay in the cache.


Firefox 10.x (Windows)

Go to the top left of the browser and click the pull down menu, then History > Clear Recent History. Firefox then loads a popup window that also lets you choose how far back in time to delete data. Firefox was the first browser to offer the “last hour” option. Again, it’s a really nice thing to have when you are doing frequent builds and constantly reloading the browser.


Internet Explorer 9 (Windows, of course)

For IE, go to Tools > Internet Options > Delete. Unlike Firefox and Chrome, IE deletes everything and I don’t know of a way to tailor the tool to not do that. This is something to be aware of it IE is your primary browser and you need to blow away the cache. All password cookies and anything else you have stored will be deleted. IE does, however, have a nice feature that I use a lot which is the Delete Browser History on Exit option. Again, if you are doing lots of builds (code then reload page to see changes) then consider checking this option and save yourself a bunch of time clicking through menus every time you reload a page.



State of the Internet Browser 2012 – consumer browser usage will decrease

Over the next two years I see consumer browser usage decreasing and people will increasingly spend more time using native mobile applications. This has a number of interesting implications.

The facts. As a web application developer I pay close attention to browser and browser-related technology usage statistics and trends. Like most people, I judge statistics based on my own experience and the experience of my co-workers, family and peers.  Here are some trends which I’ve been keeping an eye on:

  • Smartphones are rapidly replacing non-smart phones around the world.
  • The number of specialized smartphone applications is continuing to expand.*
  • The number of games for smartphones continues to grow rapidly.**
  • The amount of time people spend on their smartphone, whether it’s playing games or using specialized applications, is increasing.

Also based on my personal experience are the following additional observations that further tilt the balance in favor of native applications:

  • Performance. Native smartphone applications, when built correctly, almost always outperform web applications: I’m referring to actions such as page refresh, general drawing capabilities and to a lesser degree but still a factor is the look-and-feel. This is a general fact of application technology: compiled applications perform faster than interpreted applications. For the most part, once I’ve used a native application, such as Southwest Airlines check-in app, I loathe having to use their web page. It just seems so clunky and slow in comparison.
  • Games. Ah yes, we can’t forget game performance as well as their look-and-feel. Why would I want a mobile browser-based game? What’s the point of building a high-performance, beautiful user interface game in a browser? See my previous bullet’s comment about compiled application performance. Yes, yes, yes I know that HTML 5 is making big strides, but we are talking mobile applications and the technology as it exist today. You can’t tell your customers that they’ll have to wait another year for better game performance, because by then your favorite browser will have such and such HTML 5 functionality figured out. Your competitors would jump right in, tweak their native app and leave you in the dust!

A Corollary. If you generally agree with my bullets above, the perhaps you’ll agree that the corollary is this trend:

  • Consumers are spending less time on desktop and laptop machines “browsing the web” and more time using their smart phones.

In addition to the reasons I already listed, there are many reasons for this. I suspect the top reasons are because it’s so easy to use your smartphone, and it’s right by your side all the time even when you aren’t home. You most likely have seen people with their heads down playing with their smartphones during business meetings, while eating, while standing in line, while watching TV and even during sports events.

What about the Browser Vendors? These trends have interesting implications for browser vendors. They have to be aware of what’s going on. It’s possible that this is one of the many factors behind their massive push to add HTML 5 capabilities in an attempt to stave off what I’m going to call “user erosion”, as consumers spend less time using web browsers.

But, there are some facts to consider related to building applications that run in the browser:

  • Still functionality problems between different browsers. While the latest generation of browsers are the closest they have ever been to parity, in terms of JavaScript and HTML functionality, web developers are still hacking code to make certain things work equally across all browsers. These “hacks” cost extra time and money to code and maintain and the functionality differences between browsers cause customer frustration when things look different or don’t work as expected. This is especially true in large, retail-type consumer apps were you have little control over what browser your customers choose to use.
  • Faster but fast enough? Today’s browsers have the fastest parsers ever, but it’s a fact that they still aren’t as fast as native code, and they never will be. For the geeks reading this, browsers incur a CPU cost associated with parsing and then executing interpreted code. Smart engineers are going to continue to close the gap, but compiled code will always be faster and more powerful than code running in a browser. Period.
  • Memory usage. Browsers tend to be what we call “leaky”. The longer you use one without restarting it the more memory it will consume. I believe this is less of a problem in mobile browsers where windows get closed a lot more frequently than desktop/laptop browsers. However, it’s still an important consider this in mobile phones where more memory usage equals less battery life. Native apps can definitely leak memory, but they are also starting from a smaller initial footprint, and there are much better tools available for finding native app memory leaks. For browser apps, you also have the browser’s memory usage in addition to your application’s memory usage.
  • Security. Security is getting better for web browsers. But…it’s still easier to build a highly secure native app today than it is to build a secure web app. Also, for better or for worse, I suggest that many consumers perceive native apps to be more secure than web apps. Do you want to do your mobile banking over a web app or a native app? And whether a perception is right or wrong sometimes is irrelevant because it always strongly affects people’s behavior.

Concluding Remarks

Consumer-based companies are going to make important strategic choices based on information similar to what I’ve written above. My guess is that the most successful businesses will be the ones that adapt to what their customers want and if your customers are spending less time “on the web” then you should seriously consider adapting. Just to be clear, I’m definitely not saying that browsers are going away. No one has as crystal ball, and new technology is being created all the time. However, the momentum and sheer size of these trends, with hundreds of millions of people buying and using smart phones worldwide, makes it well worth studying its potential impact on your business.


Mobile Apps Put the Web in Their Rear View Mirror
Mobile Apps vs. the Web – Which is Better For Business?
Gartner Report on Smart Phone Sales in 3rd Quarter 2011

* Companies are building specialized apps that essentially replace the need for customers to visit their web site. However, these apps offer much more control and typically provide a more consistent user experience that the web. Southwest Airlines, for example offers three types of mobile apps in addition to a mobile web site: https://www.southwest.com/html/air/products/mobile.html.

** Books and games, respectively have consistently been the top two categories for the most popular apps, for example: https://www.gottabemobile.com/2011/07/06/ipad-app-store-breakdown-top-apps-categories-chart/